“…the new [AnnA Mineria cadastre system] reduces the time for managing mining development from one year to three months, thus boosting the generation of employment and new investments… AnnA Mineria system … will provide greater legal security and facilitate the administration and control of mining resources.”
- Ivan Duque, President of Colombia
“The implementation of NB e-CLAIMS was conducted over a very aggressive schedule to specification that dictated that the system be able to address the requirements of both map staking and ground staking in the short term…and map staking over the long term. I am pleased to state that NB e-CLAIMS address all of our requirements… PGTS was the right company to do our project.”
Ron Shaw, Recorder – New Brunswick
…an online system that would integrate nine stand-alone systems that are presently being used in the Mines Branch for managing mining and quarrying dispositions… iMaQs (Integrated Mining and Quarrying System). …iMaQs will give our clients the ability to manage their dispositions and view their information online… giving them access to their information when they need it.”
Janet Forbes, Business Lead, Mines Branch – Manitoba
“Our unique e-Government framework integrates current corporate social responsibility initiatives with best industry practices, while leveraging cutting-edge technologies, Business Process Management (BPM), Geographic Information System (GIS) integration, and mobile platforms to create enterprise solutions that work!”
Andy Lang, President – Pacific GeoTech Systems
"Thanks to NovaROC system, one can stake a claim from anywhere in the province, from anywhere in the world, that has Internet access. NovaROC system is, without a doubt, Canada’s best online registry for staking mining claims. I think it is safe to say that NovaROC system has benefitted greatly from the experience and expertise that Pacific GeoTech Systems developed using the truePERMIT framework"
The Honorable Charlie Parker, Nova Scotia - Minister of Natural Resources
"…it is cutting edge in the use of client-driven internet technology, online payment and government resource database population…since the implementation of MTO, the provincial mineral exploration industry expenditures have doubled, and the mineral land acquisition has increased by 350%..I believe that having PGTS as our principle contractor is a very large reason for MTO's success."
Rick Conte, Director Mineral Titles Branch - British Columbia